How to play?
Instead of controlling Umélie the mouse, you control her stats! Use your mouse cursor to move or resize the bars. Increasing a bar’s size consumes points, so devise a strategy worthy of the best to survive all the waves.

Umélie’s Instincts is a game presented during the GMTK GameJam 2024, which had the theme “Built to Scale.” To meet the constraint, we decided to create a game where the player can use the game interface as a tool to help Umélie, the little fighting mouse. We aimed to develop the game using our own resources, and thus our team…
To complete the project, we had four days, which we organized as follows:
The key feature of our game is the use of the user interface (usually static) as a manipulable object that affects the 3D world of the game. To achieve this, we dedicated two programmers during days one and two to ensure the feature worked well and was enjoyable for the player. At the same time, we needed to design a statistics system simple enough for players to easily understand (and feel) how it worked.
For this project, my tasks were:
Currently working from Canada.