Entity Counting System
Marketplace Support (discord) Documentation The Plugin Entity Counting System is a very simple plugin designed solely to add an entity counter to the base classes of Unreal Engine. This entity counter takes the form of a C++ class that can be overridden in Blueprint or C++ for use. The […]
Blueprint Utilities
Marketplace Support (discord) Documentation The plugin Blueprint Utilities is a plugin designed to enhance the speed of game prototyping with the Unreal Engine. Its primary goal is to add, modify, or replace native engine systems to make them easier to handle or implement. Whenever the plugin introduces a new feature, its primary […]
Bot discord avec Rust
GitHub repository The Challenge After completing the course-project that involved creating a game server in Rust, I wanted to continue working with the language to familiarize myself with all its concepts. My networking professor always had great advice during class, but it was hard to remember everything at once. That’s why I […]