The Challenge

Klems is a project presented at the first edition of the GameJam4Fun. The constraints were to create a multiplayer game on the theme of Infection, compatible with keyboard/mouse and controller. Our team consisted of 3 people and we had one week. It was my first real GameJam.
Our Approach

Initially, we chose the Unreal Engine 5.1 as our game engine because it was the best option for multiplayer at that time. Additionally, the new enhanced input system was going to save us a lot of time on game controls.

Once the jam theme was announced, our team headed out to brainstorm at a restaurant. – Who said work always has to be done in a square office with coffee? Hahaha – The idea of an FPS came to us immediately because we knew it would be a complex challenge in terms of replication. As for the infection theme, the choice was harder between: – A moving poison zone => risk of balancing issues among players – Floor tiles that infect players => be careful with how the tiles are placed – A system with an infected player who infects others by killing them => been there, done that! We eventually decided on the floor tiles because it seemed the fairest and most feasible to implement in a short time.

With our game concept clear, we were able to divide up the roles. My tasks were:

This GameJam gave me a lot of confidence as it occurred at the end of my first semester studying video games, and it helped me become aware of my strengths and weaknesses. The result achieved after a week of hard work exceeded our expectations and has already motivated us to do even better in our next jams!
- Lucas
A bit of context…

You are a SWAT agent trapped in an evil laboratory you were trying to liberate in your previous missions… The notorious Klems corporation is secretly testing new viruses here, capable of turning any man into a zombie after brief contact! After completely messing with your brain, researchers have placed you and three other members of your team in this large white room. You only remember one thing: “Be the last one alive and you can get out of here. Otherwise, praying won’t change anything for you…”

How to play?
Playing is simple. Start by connecting several computers to the same WiFi network. Then, one player starts a game as the host. They then choose the session name and its characteristics. Once this is done, the other players just need to join the session by clicking the “join” button in the menu. They should then see the host’s session.
Keyboard controls:
  • Crouch: Left Ctrl
  • Jump: Space
  • Look around: Mouse
  • Move: WASD
  • Reload: R
  • Run: Left Shift
  • Shoot: Left Click
  • Show in-game score table: Tab
Controller controls:
  • Crouch: B
  • Jump: A
  • Look around: Right joystick
  • Move: Left joystick
  • Reload: Y
  • Run: Left joystick button
  • Shoot: Right shoulder (RB)
  • Show in-game score table: Tab
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Game Presentation Video

2 Responses

  1. Ayant participé au développement de Klems avec Lucas, je peux certifier qu’il est un développeur investi et motivé avec qui c’est toujours un plaisir de travailler ! Hâte d’entamer des projets de plus grande envergure à ses côtés 😉

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